Home > Pre-Construction Phase > Point Cloud to BIM

Why Us?

The ability to document the existing state of buildings using quick, non-invasive, and efficient techniques allows stakeholders to obtain reliable documentation for an as-built structure. This service helps our clients and their facility management teams to precisely document the existing structure and negotiate with their potential owners or occupants.

What we do?

We offer highly detailed and extensive scan to BIM services to clients across the globe. We can develop detailed Architectural and Structural Models in LOD 100 to 400 from any given point cloud. Our Point cloud modeling services are in high demand due to the rapid and non-intrusive nature of data collection.

How we work ?

The point cloud is a set of data points in a 3D coordinate system representing the external surface of an object or building including its geometry and color. Scan to BIM Is the process of capturing the existing asset with the help of 3D laser scanning technology. We import this survey data into Revit and trace the point data to create an accurate 3D model.