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Real-time cost movement

Our cost indices are real-time construction costs mapped against different cities, providing a realistic presentation of cost movements across the country. With materials, labour and fuel being the large cost influencers, the impact of these prices impacts construction costs considerably.

Extensive data

Gleeds from its vast project database across the six major cities, producing cost indices monthly to view the cost trends and their influence as a basket of items in a construction project.

Reliable indicator

Gleeds indices have been used internally for most escalation projections and or benchmarking within cities. This has proven to be beneficial to clients when making costing decisions and a reliable indicator in cost projections. Gleeds’ team regularly collects cost data across various regions on a month-to-month basis, analyses, moderates and provides it to its esteemed clients and associates the indices.

Gleeds accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of results or for any losses whatsoever and howsoever arising from any use of or reliance upon any calculations or conclusions reached using this indicator. You should consult Gleeds for further information and verification on the applicability of the results to your circumstances.