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Why Us?

Plan, monitor and control projects remotely on dashboards with an AI-powered platform, monitoring projects with visual real-time data helps in analyzing the project’s performance in a holistic manner. It is a substantial tool facilitating an actual walkthrough for clients, bidders, tenants, future clients and so on.

What we do?

We deploy drones with high-definition cameras and drone technology combine with AI-powered analytics that provided insights on the actual versus planned status. The aerial perspective of the project provided a great value addition. This reporting replaces the conventional documentation work by providing insights with more precise and augmented data in a single window.

How we work ?

The data captured internal as well as external progress from multiple perspectives and is linked with respective floor and aerial points respectively. Through the platform, we compare the progress of the same location between multiple weeks. The process of mobile phone captures and mismatching of images is avoided and allows for better structuring of the images.